Olga Gavrilina
The results of the subgroup analysis of the CHRONOS19 registry in patients with acute leukemia and COVID-19 will be presented orally by the study PI Olga Gavrilina, MD, PhD, at the upcoming in June annual congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA) during the special session on the SARS-CoV-2 infection “COVID-19 impact on hematology: How it started – How it’s going”.
Patients with acute leukemia are at high risk of COVID-19 severe and lethal course. Intensive chemotherapy and immunosuppression in these patients are the possible causes of high mortality. Emerging data on risk factors and outcomes is aimed to support strategies of the medical care.
As of data cutoff in January 2021, 575 patients were enrolled in the study, 132 of them with acute leukemia were eligible for primary endpoint assessment. In patients with acute leukemia, all-cause mortality at 30 days was 24% vs. 15% in those with other hematologic diseases (p=0,03); 70% of deaths were due to COVID-19 complications. Risk factors that were significantly associated with overall survival included admission to ICU and mechanical ventilation, worse performance status (ECOG4), severe COVID-19 disease and complications, blood transfusion dependence. Acute leukemias were associated with a higher risk of death compared to less aggressive hematologic diseases. SARS-CoV-2 re-infection was described in 2 patients.
A full abstract is available at:
Additionally, data on risk factors in overall patient population of the CHRONOS19 registry and long-term follow-up was recently published at ASCO 2021 Annual Meeting:
CHRONOS19 ( is an ongoing nationwide observational cohort study of adult patients with hematologic disease and COVID-19. This web-based registry is collecting de-identified data from 15 centers all over Russia. The study is organized by the National Research Center for Hematology, supported by the Foundation for Cancer Research Support and executed on the e-platform.
We congratulate the co-authors and thank all contributors to this very important research!
More data is coming. Stay tuned!